Player Registration
It’s registration time at Launceston City FC and you can now register online at –ย
Self registration is quite an easy process, however, should you have any trouble please call the 24 hour help line number on (02) 8020 4199. More details on how to register are further below.ย
About Player Registration Fees
Every cent of your player registration fees goes directly into football.ย
You get to play football in organised competitions recognised by Football Federation Australia, as well as being fully insured as a player and/or as a volunteer, club support, quality training with qualified coaches and facilities. All registered Launceston City FC players get free ground entry to all our home matches including National Premier League & Women’s Super League home games at Prospect Vale Park. For juniors playing in the NTSJA this includes one adult who takes you to games.
Launceston City FC is a not for profit community club with no paid employees and total reliance on volunteers. Sources of income are limited to player registrations, sponsorship and fundraising including volunteers who operate the canteen and bar. Sometimes we are gifted funds from long-standing members and supporters.ย
Our National Premier League and Women’s Super League Squads fees are covered by sponsors and memberships and not from the pockets of other players. This is to reward players at reaching the highest level in Tasmania football.
Prospect Vale Park is owned by the Meander Valley Council (MVC) having taken ownership from the Australian Italian Club in 2005 in which we now lease off the Council.
Paying registration fees early is of huge benefit to us and our Treasurer will be enormously thankful. It makes the coaches and committees jobs much easier. We believe that our fees remain value for money and are consistent and fair across the board.
Costs involved in fielding teams include the FT/FA team nomination fees, ground hire, playing strips, travel arrangements (senior sides), first aid kits, administrative expenses, medallions (all junior players and premiership winning teams), trophies (youth and senior teams), referee costs (youth and senior games) and land hireย (Clubrooms – AIC).
Refund Policy
Refunds are available on the Club component of the fee in the event of unforseen, unfortunate circumstances.
The FFT/FFA component of the fee is not refundable as the Club collects and passes that onto FFT/FFA upon completion of each player registration.
Refunds areย not available when a player changes their mind about playing for the Club.